
Rev. David T. Sugimoto
Senior Pastor
Since 1989 he serves as a pastor of Machida Christian Center, and wants to bring hope in Jesus Christ to the Japanese society where apathy and disappointment prevails.
Pastor Sugimoto studied at Keio University, Tokyo (BA), Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, USA (MA; M.Div.), and The University of Sheffield, UK (Ph.D.). He also teaches the Biblical archaeology at Keio University, and he writes numerous books and articles, including Judges (Practical Bible Commentary),1995; Pictorial Introduction to the Biblical Archaeology, 2008 (both in Japanese) and Female Figurine with a Disk from the Southern Levant and the Formation of Monotheism (in English), 2008.

Rev. Reiko Sugimoto
Pastor of Christian Education
She was born in Tokyo Japan, in 1956. She became a Christian when she was in high school. Although she became a junior and senior high school teacher, she resigned as she could not agree to the educational practice of allotting students to be a percentile based on a standardised test.
After that, she went to US to study the education based on the love in the Bible at Wheaton College Graduate School, and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.